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PROMETHEUS Design Guide and Design Package
Dear friends, partners, and people otherwise interested in the PROMETHEUS project,
In order to achieve a unified image and thereby raise visibility and public awareness of the project we have created a design guide. It tells you everything you need to know about PROMETHEUS design and CI. Along with the design guide we offer a number of files that you can use to create Prometheus PR products. We hope that these documents make your life as members of the project staff a little easier.
All the best,
Your PROMETHEUS design team
The Prometheus Design Package includes
- Prometheus Design Guide
- Prometheus Fonts
- Source Sans Pro
- Prometheus Logos
- Project Logo classic (standard, inverse, black, white)
- Project logo long (standard, inverse, black, white)
- Project Logo signet (standard, black, white)
- Compound program+project logo
- Logo Footer Partners
- Logo Footer Complete
- Interreg logo with sponsoring texts
- Prometheus Design Examples
- Prometheus Flyer
- Prometheus Notepad
- Prometheus Poster / Roll-up
- Prometheus Design Templates
- Power Point Presentation Templates
- Word Meeting Template
- InDesign Flyer Template
- InDesign Poster/ Roll-up Template